Cubase File Folder Organization
It is important to start from the very beginning in setting up a file folder structure and using a file naming convention for all your Cubase projects and related files. Sooner or later things will quickly get out of hand once you start working on multiple projects (new and old) and you try to find a particular version of a particular project you worked on six months ago. Better to set thing up at the beginning rather when you have a whole bunch of random files to sort out and classify or organize.
I suggest you start off with a root folder called \Cubase to identify and group all files related to your Cubase product. I suggest you create a \Projects root folder to group all of your Cubase projects. I also suggest that you create other root folders such as \docs to contain any related documentation related to the Cubase product,\updates to contain updates related to the Cubase product, \licenses to contain license files and so forth.
Suggested file folder organization for your Cubase projects and the Cubase application
Cubase root folder:
Folder structure for Cubase Projects:
\Cubase\Projects\Cubase-ProjectName-v0\Cubase-ProjectName-take-1.cpr --> saved project for take-1 \Cubase-ProjectName-take-2.cpr --> saved project for take-2 . . . \notes.txt --> notes about your project, channel settings, experiments, stuff to do, stuff to try out, lesson learned, anything that tickles your fancy \Cubase\Projects\Cubase-ProjectName1-v0\Cubase-ProjectName1-take-1.cpr --> saved project for take-1 \Cubase-ProjectName1-take-2.cpr --> saved project for take-2
Backup subfolder structure in a project folder:
\Cubase\Projects\Cubase-ProjectName-v0\backup\2022-07-25\Cubase-ProjectName-take-1.cpr --> backup of take-1 taken on the 2022-07-25 \2022-07-26\Cubase-ProjectName-take-x.cpr --> backup of take-x taken on the 2022-07-26 \2022-08-15\ . . .
Cubase Standard Project folder:
\Cubase\Projects\Cubase-StandardProject-v1\Cubase-StandardProject-v1.cpr \Cubase-StandardProject-v2\Cubase-StandardProject-v2.cpr
Some other useful subfolders in the \Cubase root directory:
\Cubase\docs --> documentation related to the Cubase product \updates --> updates related to the Cubase product \licenses --> files related ot Cubase licenses \tutorials --> Cubase tutorials \misc --> miscellaneous files
Note, the folder and file naming convention is defined here.