Mike Music Box


Aug 24, 20122 by Mike

Cubase File Naming Convention

Project Folder

Generally like to call my Cubase projects folders as follows:

Cubase + ProjectName + optionally, a version number if you choose to use a simple versioning method/scheme.

Ex: \Cubase-Blues-in-Eminor-no-1

where ProjectName = Blues-in-Eminor-no-1 and no version number

In the latter example, I have qualified the project with "no-1". I may end up working with a number of blues in E minor at some point and I may want to differentiate them with "no-2" and "no-3".

Project Name

I generally like to call my Cubase projects as follows:

Cubase + ProjectName + optionally a take-number where take-number is a different take you want to keep track of. Perhaps your second take ("take-2") you changed the Beats Per Minute (BPM) tempo. Perhaps the guitar solo is different than that of the first take("take-1").

Ex: Cubase-Blues-in-Eminor-no-1-take-2.cpr

These of course are all suggestions and you can create yourown system as you see fit. But remember, be consistent with your folder organization and file naming convention. You'll be a much happier camper in the long run.

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